Spanish and Yoga

Yoga means union and proceeds from the Sanskrit root Yugit. The objective of yoga is to re-unite the 3 facets of the human being: spirit, mind and body. Our yoga instructor, Jefferson, specialized in Kundalini Yoga in Barcelona Spain, collaborates with Surpacifico Spanish School offering our students the unique opportunity to practice Kundalini yoga in the relaxing beaches of Manta.
You could say that every form of yoga is like a diamond tip. The Entire diamond would be Kundalini Yoga, the mother of all yoga forms.
Classes are conducted in a cabana right on front of the sea in “Murcielago” beach, Monday through Friday from 7:00 am until 7:50 am or 5:00 to 5:50 pm

Ciudadela Universitaria / Calle U8 entre Ave. Universitaria 2 y 3 - Frente a Piscina Hipatia / Manta-Ecuador
Email: surpacificoschool@gmail.com / manuel.bucheli@gmail.com
Phone: +593 5 267 92 06
Cell: +593 99 9184 735
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